Granite Education Foundation Kits
Scroll to see details and instructions on how to build each of our kits! Thousands of Granite students receive these kits each month. Thank you for supporting Granite Kids!

We've Moved! Now accepting donations at the former Twin Peaks Elementary!
Donation Hours: Monday-Thursday 8:00-12:00 and by appointment when necessary

Food Kits

Student Weekend Kits are designed for students in need, to easily take home for a night or weekend. The pack contains enough food for 4 meals and snacks.
Student Weekend Kit contents include:
- 1 Easy Mac (Microwaveable)
- 1 Chef Boyardee (Microwaveable)
- 2 Cup Noodle (Microwaveable)
- 1 fruit cup, squeeze pouch, or applesauce
- 1 juice box
- 2 granola bars (no peanuts)
- Package in a gallon Ziploc bag
Any combination of 4 personal microwaveable meals is accepted.
Use this file if you plan to create your own drive and would like to include it on a flyer.
Please deliver completed kits in small/medium size boxes

A Snack Kit is designed for students in need, given by teachers, administrators and social workers. Snack Kits are always in high demand.
A Snack Kit includes:
- 1 granola bar or crackers
- 1 juice box or pouch
- 1 small fruit snack
- Package into a sandwich or quart size Ziploc bag.
Please deliver completed kits in small/medium size boxes
School Kits

We love when our bags come full, but we understand this isn't always possible. Below are suggested items we love to receive as donations and in our backpacks.
New elementary student sized backpack (no drawstring bags please) with:
- Safety scissors
- Eraser (large)
- Glue stick
- Colored pencils (12 ct)
- Dry-Erase Marker 4 Pack
- Highlighters
- 2 spiral notebooks
- 2 pocket folders (most optional)
- Large Pack of Pencils
- Small pencil sharpener
- 24 count crayons

We love when our bags come full, but we understand this isn't always possible. Below are suggested items we love to receive as donations and in our backpacks.
New adult size backpack (no drawstring bags please) with:
- 1 three-ring binder
- 1 package of college ruled loose leaf paper
- 2 college ruled notebooks
- 2 pocket folders
- 2 highlighters
- 1 Pack of Pencils (preferably mechanical with a lead refill)
- 2 pens
- Colored pencils
Hygiene Kits

Hygiene kits are given out by social workers to students that do not have ready access to basic hygiene items.
Hygiene kits include:
- Shampoo & conditioner
- Toothpaste
- 3 toothbrushes
- 1 bar soap
- Comb (optional)
- Hand towel (optional)
- Assemble items in a 1-gallon Ziploc bag
Please deliver completed kits in small/medium size boxes
Holiday Assistance Kits

Many students in our schools don't have access to hair care. Hair kits provide the necessary tools to help students and give them an extra boost of confidence. It's not uncommon to see educators, bus drivers, and even crossing guards helping students with their hair.
Hair kits include:
- A hairbrush
- Small comb
- Hair elastics (no tangle)
- Elastic headbands
- Nail polish
- Lip glass/balm (flavored)
- Assemble items in a 8" x 14" cellophane bag tied with a decorative ribbon
Please deliver completed kits in small/medium size boxes